Take control of what you have written!


Internet is a great place to post reviews, poems or technical documents. However, have you ever thought of any of the following inconveniences?

or, have you ever dreamed of the following functions? We aren't quite there yet, but all of the above should be possible by implementing the following concept.

Store everything in one basket

Why not keep all your writings in one place first? Let's use a personal central repository to achieve this, and then push out the writings through web feeds.

The personal central repository is where the author stores all the writings. The interface may be like the backend of Blogger or Wordpress. The repository also has a feed factory responsible for maintaining lots of different feeds.

One feed can contain entries for blog 1 to display, and another feed can contain entries for blog 2.

There is also a small feed for each single writing. They represent one writing and allows the user to post the writing on other platforms such as forums.

Therefore blog 1 and 2 are really just feed receivers, much like Google Reader. It displays the feeds onto web pages. Forums supporting feed receiving can also display small feeds as posts. These can can be called 'endpoints' which publishes your writing and is updatable.

In fact, this page you are reading right now is also an end-point. This page fetches the source atom feed, and uses XSLT to display it as part of the HTML you see.

The comments from different end-points can be collected by implementing the Salmon Protocol. This can also address issues such as thread commenting and spamming.


The author basically needs to do the following when he/she puts the writing up

1 The author put the writing into the personal repository. Each writing will have a unique feed url.
2The writing, through different feeds, will arrive at different endpoint blogs. For example, if it is tagged as personal, it will only appear in the personal blog.
3The author can also post that writing elsewhere on other forums, by giving them the feed url from step 1.
4The blog and the forum will then become endpoints too, and will grab the newest version of the writing using the url and publish themas webpages.
5When the author modifies the writing, the endpoints (blog and the forum) will be updated automatically as well. This can currently be done using the PubSubHubbub protocol.

More details

The details page has more details. There is also a list of currently available standards and protocols which are relevant to this concept.

You can also give discussions, questions or suggestions at the Google Forum.